Mistress does not take kindly to naughty boys. Naughty boys who are too stupid to avoid repeating the same mistakes must be severely punished.
“We shall continue our times tables. Where is your book?”
“I don’t have it Miss.”
“Unacceptable. Stand up. Bend Over. Touch your toes. I will administer 6 lashes of My cane to your bare bottom. One for each set of times tables you are going to have to rewrite in your 3rd new book. Count them”
“Pull up your pants. Stand up straight. Recite your 6 times tables to Me.”
“I can’t remember them Miss”
“Read them from the blackboard. Bend Over the table. Eyes on the board. 1 lash of My cane you will receive for every line of the table”
“1(whack!) times 6 is 6, 2(whack!) times 6 is 12, 3(whack!) times 6 is 18, 4(whack!) times 6 is 24, 5(whack!) times 6 is 30, 6(whack!) times 6 is 36, 7(whack!) times 6 is 42, 8(whack!) times 6 is 48, 9(whack!) times 54 is 6, 10(whack!) times 6 is 60, 11(whack!) times 6 is 66, 12(whack!) times 6 is 72.”
“you can read then?”
“Yes Miss.”
“And you can concentrate?”
“Yes Miss.”
“And you can listen to an instruction? And follow it?”
“Yes Miss.”
“Do that every time, you stupid boy.”
“Yes Miss.”
“(Whack!) Pull up your pants, I’ve seen enough of your red arse. Cover it up, and sit down.”
More Strict School Lessons For Stupid Naughty boys to follow.
Stupid school boy deserves this and a lot more