How can a nurse, no matter how knowledgeable and experienced, do anything for an incurable problem. I’m afraid useless with a small penis has no cure, or even relief. It just stays with you day after day, for ever and ever. But as I am ever the Professional, it is My duty to check out this specimen and decide and advise the best way forward to a future a little less pathetic.
“Take off your clothes. Fold them, and put them in the box. Let Me see it.”
And there it is. His naked, scrawny form, hunched over, head bowed, he is facing his pathetic shrivelled penis.
“Well, well, well,” I say, as I tap it with the tip of My pen “Let’s see what can be done for you. Spread your legs for a proper inspection.”
I circle him, with a tut and a sigh. The best way forward, is to tie it down, and just pretend it doesn’t exist.
And I stand in front of him, with a length of nylon chord in My fingers, pondering My technique for securely fastening such a small thing.
I begin by securing the first wrap under his testicles, and tie the first knot at the front. I then go under the penis, and back to the front to tie to the first knot. A crossed wrap travelling to the tip, followed by a knot, which makes him wince a little, as I pull upwards to lay flat, in an upright position against his stomach. I smack it with latex gloved fingers, and order him to “Keep still!”
It’s so useless, it will lay very flat. I then lead the chord around his back. Tie a knot, and continue around to the front, until his penis is totally tied flat.
“Now kneel on the floor, face down, knees apart, buttocks up.”
I watch him struggle, as the chord tightens with every inch of movement. I’m not worried, he will either become accustomed to the feeling, or his penis will detach, like the tail of a baby lamb.
Nurses are evil. i love them.