This was something I had not been asked before. The title of the first email read “Make me bleed”
After various emails back and forth to find out exactly what forms this would take, the session went as follows.
He wanted to be severely dealt with, with whatever equipment I want, and he wanted the severity of the whippings, canings etc, to make him bleed, but without using any sharp items. There was to be no blood spilt anywhere, so the punishment was to be administered to his skin, and once the skin was broken, cling film was wrapped around. I started with his feet. In a kneeling position, with his feet lifted from the floor, I set to work with a cane. Thrashing him hard across the toes, the blood quickly started to seep through his reddened skin. I applied the cling film before moving onto the other foot.
Over and over I caned his toes, and wrapped them, moving up to his ankles, which were harder to break. Caning his buttocks inbetween, as I knew the fleshy buttocks would take some beating with blunt instruments to bring blood. I bent over him to dig My nails deep into his chest and around his nipples. Alternating between his nipples and issuing lashes across his back, it was ready to be cling film covered in less than 15 minutes. I wrapped the film under his arms and pulled it tight around his chest. I wrapped further film around his mouth, to make him quiet.
Swapping between canes, whips and paddles, the red markings all over him began to join up until he was almost completely red.
I pushed his head down low, so his buttocks were high and his balls exposed for beating. Using My triple leather slapper, I hit his hard in the cock and balls and his inner thigh. his thighs and cock bled soon enough, but the balls simply would not, so I wrapped the film around and issued him with some severe kicks with the tip of My shoe.
After almost 2 hours, his whole body was part bleeding, and part showing blood up just under the surface of the skin. I finished the wrap by strapping his arms down fully, and wrapping his whole head, leaving only a small gap for his nostrils. Standing in front of Me, My freshly beaten and bleeding cling film mummy. The session finished by spreading the fresh blood to coat him using a flat leather had paddle. The beating was severe, and the blood spread. Tears filled the cling film around his face.
I cut him out of his cling film shroud, creating two man shaped pieces, which with My permission, he took away with him.
Goodness me. i suppose my "no marks" request rules this out :-)